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HardFault_Handler after NVIC access.

Used hardware: KEIL ARM MCB1700, eval

How can the line: NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn); create an error HardFault

   715:               NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);
0x000024B0 2005      MOVS     r0,#0x05
0x000024B2 F000F9AF  BL.W     NVIC_EnableIRQ (0x00002814)
0x000024B6 E002      B        0x000024BE

  1504:   NVIC->ISER[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* enable interrupt */
0x00002814 F000021F  AND      r2,r0,#0x1F
0x00002818 2101      MOVS     r1,#0x01
0x0000281A 4091      LSLS     r1,r1,r2
0x0000281C 0942      LSRS     r2,r0,#5
0x0000281E F04F23E0  MOV      r3,#0xE000E000
0x00002822 EB030282  ADD      r2,r3,r2,LSL #2
0x00002826 F8C21100  STR      r1,[r2,#0x100]

<one step>

0x00000232 E7FE      B        HardFault_Handler (0x00000232)
   143:                 B       .
   144:                 ENDP

before the STR r1,[r2,#0x100] instruction R2=0xe000e000 and r1 = 0x20
bit 5 = ISE_UART0 0xe000,e100
so everything looks alright

similar command example in same program works 100%
NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); // Enable the TIMER0 Interrupt

R2 = 0xe000e000, R3 = 0x02
0x0000168E F8C23100 STR r3,[r2,#0x100]
bit 1 = ISE_TIMER0 0xe000,e100

Difference betwee both is the irq vector and the serial in NOT inline assembled.
My thougth was the serial irq routine but i found nothing wrong, so i changed

0x0000282E F8421023  STR      r1,[r2,r3,LSL #2]

(R1 =0x20,R2= 0xe000,e180, R3=0)
again the program crashed after the STR routine! but the parameters seem right.

Logical thinking this can't be a Keil compiler problem but as i am evaluating the tools i would like to know if within the toolchain it is possible to find the source of this kind of errors.

  • NVIC registers can be accessed only from privileged mode. User mode access will cause a fault.

    Is the CPU running in privileged mode?

    Keil examples without RTOS usually run in privileged mode. Examples using RTX usually run in user mode but this can be changed by enabling "Run in privileged mode" in RTX configuration file.

  • NVIC registers can be accessed only from privileged mode. User mode access will cause a fault.

    Is the CPU running in privileged mode?

    Keil examples without RTOS usually run in privileged mode. Examples using RTX usually run in user mode but this can be changed by enabling "Run in privileged mode" in RTX configuration file.
