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HardFault_Handler after NVIC access.

Used hardware: KEIL ARM MCB1700, eval

How can the line: NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn); create an error HardFault

   715:               NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);
0x000024B0 2005      MOVS     r0,#0x05
0x000024B2 F000F9AF  BL.W     NVIC_EnableIRQ (0x00002814)
0x000024B6 E002      B        0x000024BE

  1504:   NVIC->ISER[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* enable interrupt */
0x00002814 F000021F  AND      r2,r0,#0x1F
0x00002818 2101      MOVS     r1,#0x01
0x0000281A 4091      LSLS     r1,r1,r2
0x0000281C 0942      LSRS     r2,r0,#5
0x0000281E F04F23E0  MOV      r3,#0xE000E000
0x00002822 EB030282  ADD      r2,r3,r2,LSL #2
0x00002826 F8C21100  STR      r1,[r2,#0x100]

<one step>

0x00000232 E7FE      B        HardFault_Handler (0x00000232)
   143:                 B       .
   144:                 ENDP

before the STR r1,[r2,#0x100] instruction R2=0xe000e000 and r1 = 0x20
bit 5 = ISE_UART0 0xe000,e100
so everything looks alright

similar command example in same program works 100%
NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); // Enable the TIMER0 Interrupt

R2 = 0xe000e000, R3 = 0x02
0x0000168E F8C23100 STR r3,[r2,#0x100]
bit 1 = ISE_TIMER0 0xe000,e100

Difference betwee both is the irq vector and the serial in NOT inline assembled.
My thougth was the serial irq routine but i found nothing wrong, so i changed

0x0000282E F8421023  STR      r1,[r2,r3,LSL #2]

(R1 =0x20,R2= 0xe000,e180, R3=0)
again the program crashed after the STR routine! but the parameters seem right.

Logical thinking this can't be a Keil compiler problem but as i am evaluating the tools i would like to know if within the toolchain it is possible to find the source of this kind of errors.

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