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problem when transmitting the a string data to GPS interface with 8051 uC

void main(void)
        unsigned short  l_us_temp;
        //Disable watchdog timer
        WDTCN = 0xDE;
   WDTCN = 0xAD;


        //Initialise crossbar and GPIO


        //Initialise Timer 0

        //Initialise Timer 2

        //Initialise Timer 4

        //Initialise UART0

        //Initialise UART1

        //Initialise ADC

        //Initialise DAC

        //Initialise PCA0

        //Initialise INT0_N & INT1_N

//lsl : 04 Jan 2011 : 0852hrs : disable Watchdog timer temporarily
        //Initialise Watchdog Timer
//      Watchdog_Init();

        //Initialise SPI0

        //Reset IMU-A, IMU-B & GPS


        IMU_A_CS = 1;
        IMU_B_CS = 1;

        IMU_A_RST = 0;
        IMU_B_RST = 0;

        GPS_RST = 0;


        IMU_A_RST = 1;
        IMU_B_RST = 1;

        GPS_RST = 1;


        //lsl : 31 Dec 2010 : 1046hrs: Initialise variables : begin

        g_us_rx0_ptr = 0;
        g_us_tx0_ptr = 0;
        g_us_rd0_ptr = 0;

        for (l_us_temp = 0 ; l_us_temp < RX_BUFFER_SIZE ; l_us_temp++)
                g_c_rx0_buffer[l_us_temp] = 0;

        g_us_rx1_ptr = 0;
        g_us_tx1_ptr = 0;
        g_us_rd1_ptr = 0;

        for (l_us_temp = 0 ; l_us_temp < RX_BUFFER_SIZE ; l_us_temp++)
                g_c_rx1_buffer[l_us_temp] = 0;

        //lsl : 05 Jan 2011 : 1916hrs : tested
        UART1_Buffer = "\rlog version\r\n";
        g_us_tx1_cmd_length = 14;

        //lsl : 06 Jan 2011 : 1916hrs : tested ok
        //UART1_Buffer = "frequencyout enable 2 4\r\n";
        //g_us_tx1_cmd_length = 25;

        g_uc_gps_init = 0;

        //Enable global interrupts
        EA = 1;

        // Start of WHILE LOOP

   while (1)
                //Toggle LED_1 & LED_2
                LED_1 ^= 1;
                LED_2 ^= 1;


        // End Of WHILE LOOP

I could not able to transmit the data through the UART when i run the program. But when i put a breakpoint, it seems working fine. May i know where is the problem? i seems like i could not find it. thanks

  • If you can't find it when you have all the code and the hardware right there in front of you, how on earth do you expect anyone else to find it who does not have the code, and does not know your hardware??

    You have not shown any code that has anything to do with transmitting from the UART!

            //lsl : 06 Jan 2011 : 1916hrs : tested ok
            //UART1_Buffer = "frequencyout enable 2 4\r\n";
            //g_us_tx1_cmd_length = 25;

    What does "tested ok" mean here?

    Did it work once, and you have broken it?

            //lsl : 05 Jan 2011 : 1916hrs : tested
            UART1_Buffer = "\rlog version\r\n";
            g_us_tx1_cmd_length = 14;

    Again, what does "tested" mean here?
    What test? What was the result of the test?

    Why are you setting the length as a "Magic Number"?
    This is asking for trouble!
    Why not use strlen instead??

    "when i put a breakpoint, it seems working fine"

    Suggests a timing problem, don't you think...?

  • If you can't find it when you have all the code and the hardware right there in front of you, how on earth do you expect anyone else to find it who does not have the code, and does not know your hardware??

    You have not shown any code that has anything to do with transmitting from the UART!

            //lsl : 06 Jan 2011 : 1916hrs : tested ok
            //UART1_Buffer = "frequencyout enable 2 4\r\n";
            //g_us_tx1_cmd_length = 25;

    What does "tested ok" mean here?

    Did it work once, and you have broken it?

            //lsl : 05 Jan 2011 : 1916hrs : tested
            UART1_Buffer = "\rlog version\r\n";
            g_us_tx1_cmd_length = 14;

    Again, what does "tested" mean here?
    What test? What was the result of the test?

    Why are you setting the length as a "Magic Number"?
    This is asking for trouble!
    Why not use strlen instead??

    "when i put a breakpoint, it seems working fine"

    Suggests a timing problem, don't you think...?
