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C51 Toolchain under Visual Studio IDE

I like this message very much, ohh! what's pitiful! it's 2 years ago. but I really hope the writer or someone can send VS51.exe. thanks!

My email

  • Maybe people don’t realize how nice if you development in the Visual Studio IDE. In the Visual Studio IDE you will have the Autocomplete, Enhanced Syntax Coloring , Refactor tools etc. I think it can easily raise your code ability about 20-30%, and with Mr.Jonathan Kaufmann way, you will only need U3 in the debug phase.

  • Maybe people don’t realize how nice if you development in the Visual Studio IDE. In the Visual Studio IDE you will have the Autocomplete, Enhanced Syntax Coloring , Refactor tools etc. I think it can easily raise your code ability about 20-30%, and with Mr.Jonathan Kaufmann way, you will only need U3 in the debug phase.
