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The SSP peripheral of my LPC2478 (configured to use SPI
frames) is generating a "RNE equals 1" status (Receiver Not Empty - thus, there is data available in the RX FIFO) after some data is placed in the data register to be sent out (I am sure no data has actually been received from the slave). I cannot find an explanation for this - however, I must add that I am using a temporary test rig (until the real hardware is available) that might suffer from EMC issues, and that if I slowly run the code using a debugger this does not seem to occur. I did not find any indication in the user manual that such behavior can be expected, but some guy at NXP told me that "When the transmission is over, it is expected that the receive channel also contains data. " (there has been no further advise from them). Does this make sense to you?
All in all it is working, and I can sustain a transfer rate of over 36 KB/sec in a (still) non-preemptive environment, but this does not seem right, so I was hoping you can share your thoughts with me.

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