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..\display.h(72): warning: #231-D: declaration is not visible outside of function

..\display.h(72): warning: #231-D: declaration is not visible outside of function

I got message when I included a header file containing this line:

void DISPLAY_string_date_time(const struct tm * tim, DISPLAY_MSG * p_message);

I found the problem - I hadn't included <time.h> in the two cases that caused the warning.

After a lot of searching for what this warning means, I can't find any explanation.

Can anyone translate what the compiler is saying?

  • Surely, it doesn't need any translation?

    But it is impossible to guess which declaration, and which function it is referring to without seeing the relevant source line(s)!

    Are you sure that you included the header at an appropriate position...?

  • Surely, it doesn't need any translation?

    But it is impossible to guess which declaration, and which function it is referring to without seeing the relevant source line(s)!

    Are you sure that you included the header at an appropriate position...?
