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__attribute__((bitband)) address miscalculation?


I'm using Keil MDK 3.80a on STM32 and trying to use the bitband attribute to access individual bits in a 32bit register.

typedef struct {
    uint32_t a0: 1;
    uint32_t b0: 1;
    uint32_t c0: 1;
    uint32_t d0: 1;
    uint32_t e0: 1;
    uint32_t f0: 1;
    uint32_t g0: 1;
    uint32_t h0: 1; //8bit

    uint32_t a1: 1;
    uint32_t b1: 1;
    uint32_t c1: 1;
    uint32_t d1: 1;
    uint32_t e1: 1;
    uint32_t f1: 1;
    uint32_t g1: 1;
    uint32_t h1: 1; //8bit

    uint32_t a2: 1;
    uint32_t b2: 1;
    uint32_t c2: 1;
    uint32_t d2: 1;
    uint32_t e2: 1;
    uint32_t f2: 1;
    uint32_t g2: 1;
    uint32_t h2: 1; //8bit

    uint32_t a3: 1;
    uint32_t b3: 1;
    uint32_t c3: 1;
    uint32_t d3: 1;
    uint32_t e3: 1;
    uint32_t f3: 1;
    uint32_t g3: 1;
    uint32_t h3: 1; //8bit

} BB __attribute__((bitband));

BB bb __attribute__((at(0x40010800)));

(0x40010800 is the STM32 GPIOA.CRL register)

When in main I set


which should be bit 0, it compiles to

0x080001BE 4B23      LDR      r3,[pc,#140]  ; @0x0800024C
0x080001C0 F8C30800  STR      r0,[r3,#0x800]

which is off by 0x1C from the correct bitbanding address (which should be 0x42210000) , so instead of setting bit0, it sets bit 7 in GPIOA.CRL

Is my definition of the bitfield wrong or where is the error?

Thank You!

B. Schmidt

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