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__attribute__((bitband)) address miscalculation?


I'm using Keil MDK 3.80a on STM32 and trying to use the bitband attribute to access individual bits in a 32bit register.

typedef struct {
    uint32_t a0: 1;
    uint32_t b0: 1;
    uint32_t c0: 1;
    uint32_t d0: 1;
    uint32_t e0: 1;
    uint32_t f0: 1;
    uint32_t g0: 1;
    uint32_t h0: 1; //8bit

    uint32_t a1: 1;
    uint32_t b1: 1;
    uint32_t c1: 1;
    uint32_t d1: 1;
    uint32_t e1: 1;
    uint32_t f1: 1;
    uint32_t g1: 1;
    uint32_t h1: 1; //8bit

    uint32_t a2: 1;
    uint32_t b2: 1;
    uint32_t c2: 1;
    uint32_t d2: 1;
    uint32_t e2: 1;
    uint32_t f2: 1;
    uint32_t g2: 1;
    uint32_t h2: 1; //8bit

    uint32_t a3: 1;
    uint32_t b3: 1;
    uint32_t c3: 1;
    uint32_t d3: 1;
    uint32_t e3: 1;
    uint32_t f3: 1;
    uint32_t g3: 1;
    uint32_t h3: 1; //8bit

} BB __attribute__((bitband));

BB bb __attribute__((at(0x40010800)));

(0x40010800 is the STM32 GPIOA.CRL register)

When in main I set


which should be bit 0, it compiles to

0x080001BE 4B23      LDR      r3,[pc,#140]  ; @0x0800024C
0x080001C0 F8C30800  STR      r0,[r3,#0x800]

which is off by 0x1C from the correct bitbanding address (which should be 0x42210000) , so instead of setting bit0, it sets bit 7 in GPIOA.CRL

Is my definition of the bitfield wrong or where is the error?

Thank You!

B. Schmidt

  • Is my definition of the bitfield wrong or where is the error?

    My guess is that the toolchain does not pack bitfields in the way you expect. You'll need to check the documentation as this is one of those implementation defined things.

  • Is my definition of the bitfield wrong or where is the error?

    My guess is that the toolchain does not pack bitfields in the way you expect. You'll need to check the documentation as this is one of those implementation defined things.
