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Different files for two targets in the same UV4 project

Dear all,

a couple of years ago I remember that I used a feature in UV3 and now this feature does not work anymore in the latest release of uVision.

I defined two targets in the same project: target1 and target2 for two different micros, and it was possible to use different files in the two targets (the asm startup files for instance).

I did that using the "Project Components" dialog window. On current release of UV4 this window is available on the menu Project/Manage/Components ... .

Now I am trying to do the same, but the changes I do to the dialog window fall in every Project Target, so all my targets have the same files.

Does it happen to you also? Is it a removed feature or I am doing something wrong?

I thank you all in advance, Marco.

  • This is the way it has always worked in UV2 & UV3.


    What you need to is to clear the 'Include in build' option for the "unwanted" file in each target.

    So both files appear under both targets, but only one is actually built in each target.

  • This is the way it has always worked in UV2 & UV3.


    What you need to is to clear the 'Include in build' option for the "unwanted" file in each target.

    So both files appear under both targets, but only one is actually built in each target.
