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Cannot program 2 boards with any ULINK2


I have 2 ULINK2 USB-JTAG Adapters and two MCBSTR9 Keil Boards. The former has a STR12FW44 MCU (Vers.3) and the latter a STR912FAW44 (Vers.4). I cannot program Flash memory in any board using any adapter. Messages I obtain are:

Error: Flash Download failed - ARM966E-S   or
Could not stop ARM device. Please check the JTAG cable.

First I though my project was badly configured, but I have spend some days checking it and I can't find where my error is. I've worked with ULINK and I never had problems to download my code.

Currently I'm using a licensed copy of uVision3 with MDK-ARM Version 3.22a. My configuration settings are:

Device: STR12FW44 or STR12FAW44 (I think it makes no difference).
Read/Only memory areas IROM1 checked (startup) address range: 0x0 - 0x88000

Debug settings: ULINK ARM Debugger. Use reset at startup, Verify Code Download, Download to Flash. ULINK 2 Firmware version is 1.36 and JTAG clock is 1MHz. By the way, ULIN2 is correctly listed as HID in PC hardware settings.

Driver for Flash programming: Update Target before debugging checked. Algorithm: STR91xFxx4 Flash Bank 0 (512K, starting at 0x000000): Erase sectors, Program, Verify and Reset and Run.

Perhaps I gave too much information, but I'm stalled and I don't know what to do. ¿Maybe is Flash corrupted?.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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