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C16x, monitor, interrupts

Hi all,

Quick question: we're looking into using the monitor for simple debugging tasks. What happens when the monitor sets a breakpoint on main()? Are all interrupts stopped as well? And when you single step one code line, are interrupts only enbled for that period of time?

Helloworld is working fine, we're now trying to get our main app to work. Single stepping works but our screen seems to be turned off and we're wondering if it has something to do with the interrupts in combination with the monitor.

Joost Leeuwesteijn

  • Turned out some code was still trying to use the serial port, which is a big no-no. The application starts when I press F5/run. The remaining problem is that the Halt button doesn't work. I expected to end up somewhere in the code, where execution is stopped.

    Does anyone have a clue what could prevent the Halt to work?

    In the meantime I'll (re)read some more manual :-)

    Joost Leeuwesteijn

  • Turned out some code was still trying to use the serial port, which is a big no-no. The application starts when I press F5/run. The remaining problem is that the Halt button doesn't work. I expected to end up somewhere in the code, where execution is stopped.

    Does anyone have a clue what could prevent the Halt to work?

    In the meantime I'll (re)read some more manual :-)

    Joost Leeuwesteijn
