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PIC16f877 to make modem call a number

Hi am trying to find out the required AT command set for a microcontroller to connect through rs232 to a modem and call a number. i can do so with hyperterminal with ATDT then number. is this sufficient for the pic to send this.

With AT set do i need to ECHO (E1)? Set Baud rate?
Set Asyncronous(&Mn)

Any HELP please

  • Get the manual for the modem you are using. It should probably be ok with _any_ modem manual, since all modems shares a common command set. It is only when you need to do more advanced things, change the factory defaults etc that the manual for your specific modem might be important.

    Whatever you can do using the hyperterminal, you can do directly from the PIC. Your modem doesn't know - or care - what hardware and software you use to communicate with it.

  • Get the manual for the modem you are using. It should probably be ok with _any_ modem manual, since all modems shares a common command set. It is only when you need to do more advanced things, change the factory defaults etc that the manual for your specific modem might be important.

    Whatever you can do using the hyperterminal, you can do directly from the PIC. Your modem doesn't know - or care - what hardware and software you use to communicate with it.
