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While trying to interface flash SST25VF512 with AT80c51,
i find difficulty in Byte program mode of writing to flash.

This is the code i used, could somebody who has worked on this please help me out,

void main(void){
        ce = 1;
        SCK = 0;
                TMOD = 0x20;
                TH1 = -3;               // 9600 baud
                SCON = 0x50;
                TR1 = 1;
                TI = 1;

        addr = 0x00000012;

        Rd_ID = Read_ID();

void Byte_Program(unsigned long addr){
        ce = 0;
        Send_Byte(0x02);        // Byte Program CMD
        Send_Byte(((addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16)); // sending 3 address bytes
        Send_Byte(((addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
        Send_Byte(addr & 0xFF);
        Send_Byte(0x10);           //send data
        SR_byte = Read_Status_Register();
         while((SR_byte &0x01) != 0x00){
         SR_byte = Read_Status_Register();
        ce = 1;

void E_WRSR(){
        ce = 0;
        Send_Byte(0x50);        // enable Status Reg
        ce = 1;
        ce = 0;
        Send_Byte(0x01);        // select write to status register
        Send_Byte(0x00);        // mode 0,                      ce = 1;
void WREN(){
        ce = 0;
        Send_Byte(0x06);// to Write enable
        ce = 1;

unsigned char Get_Byte(){
        unsigned char i=0, in=0, temp=0;
                in = (in << 1);
                temp = SO;
                SCK = 1;
                if (temp == 1){
                        in = in | 0x01;
                SCK = 0;
        return in;
void Send_Byte(unsigned char b_out){
                if((b_out & 0x80) == 0x80)
                        si = 1;
                        si = 0;
                        SCK = 1;
                        b_out = (b_out << 1);
                        SCK = 0;

Thanks in advance,

  • You probably do not want to write the status register before every write operation. Yes, there is a write enable bit there, and yes, this sequence will work correctly. However, the status register in these types of flash is non-volatile, implemented with the same flash technology as the rest of the chip. Every time you write the status register, you effectively erase it and reprogram it. After the rated number of cycles on your flash chip, the status register will burn out and the chip will stop working, even if the data sectors are still good.

    The WREN command is sufficient to tell the chip to allow programming. It does not cause the status register to be erased and reprogrammed as does WRSR. Using WRSR is not necessary, and will limit the lifetime of the chip if you frequently write data.

  • You probably do not want to write the status register before every write operation. Yes, there is a write enable bit there, and yes, this sequence will work correctly. However, the status register in these types of flash is non-volatile, implemented with the same flash technology as the rest of the chip. Every time you write the status register, you effectively erase it and reprogram it. After the rated number of cycles on your flash chip, the status register will burn out and the chip will stop working, even if the data sectors are still good.

    The WREN command is sufficient to tell the chip to allow programming. It does not cause the status register to be erased and reprogrammed as does WRSR. Using WRSR is not necessary, and will limit the lifetime of the chip if you frequently write data.
