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How to enable viewing of enum values from the debugger

Hi, Is there an option to enable viewing of enum values in the debugger?

For example,

typedef enum {false=0, true} FalseTrueType;

In the c souce...

FalseTrueType MyEnumFlag = false;

I would like to view this in the debugger watch window.
Name Value
MyEnumFlag false

but I can only view it as (not Symbolically)
Name Value
MyEnumFlag 0

Thanks, Chris

  • Just to add my two cents to the wish, I find it's often useful to be able to see the actual value as well as the symbolic value. So how about a debugger display such as:

    someEnum: false(0)

    so that we can see both at once, rather than just symbol or value?

  • Just to add my two cents to the wish, I find it's often useful to be able to see the actual value as well as the symbolic value. So how about a debugger display such as:

    someEnum: false(0)

    so that we can see both at once, rather than just symbol or value?
