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How to include a Hex along with C codes in uv2 simulator?

Hi, there,

I want to use uv2 to debug a system consisting of a set of C codes and one hex file. The C codes will read the data from this hex file.

In uv2, I have created a project for this set of C codes, I can debug/trace the their execution.

The question is how to include the Hex file into this project?

Plausible solution 1, I added the Hex file into the project along with the C codes, and specify the Hex file's type as "Text file". The C codes could *not* read the data from the Hex file correctly.

Plausible solution 2, in the "Options for Task" popup utility, there is a Linker panel. However, I didn't figure out where to put the Hex file.

Any suggestion?

For details of my task, please refer to the following discussion thread.


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