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To begin Rtos with keil

Hi all,
Happy new yr.
I want to go for Real time coding for my applications.
Can anybody guide me to begin with RTOS,so that i can develop applications using Keil RTOS for Microcontrollers,Keil provide help documents but they are too early to begin without basic concept in RTOS.
Thanks in advance.

  • I want to go for Real time coding for my applications .... [using] RTOS

    Those are mutually exclusive.

    Any RTOS adds overhead and your real time becomes a little less real than if you code handles the process directly. For MOST applications this extra overhead is tolerable, but have no illusion that a RTOS is the utimate REAL time tool.


  • I want to go for Real time coding for my applications .... [using] RTOS

    Those are mutually exclusive.

    Any RTOS adds overhead and your real time becomes a little less real than if you code handles the process directly. For MOST applications this extra overhead is tolerable, but have no illusion that a RTOS is the utimate REAL time tool.

