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uVision Target Simulation of Custom chip


I am aiming to develop a custom system based on ARM Cortex-M3 core. This chip will contain some CMSDK default peripherals, but also custom peripherals not present in CMSDK.

How can I simulate the behavior of these peripherals when debugging with Keil uVision since I have no physical target hardware yet?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi ViniciusG,

    there are different ways to simulate a Cortex-M3 with peripherals in Keil uVision.

    First of all, I would recommend you to look at this example:

    - start the MDK Pack Installer and select the device "CMSDK_CM3" on the left pane (Tab: Devices) by opening ARM -> ARM Cortex M3. On the right pane (Tab: Packs),  install "Keil::V2M-MPS2_CMx_BSP" version .1.7.0.
    - on the right pane, then select the "Examples" tab and copy and start the example: "Blinky - CMSDK_CM3  (V2M-MPS2)"
    - This project contains 3 targets. The targets 'Fast Models' and 'Simulator' are probably the two interesting ones for you

    1) You can use the Fixed Virtual Platform (VFP) simulator in uVision (example target 'Fast Models') (see You need a MDK-Pro license to work with the predefined VFPs which are shipped with MDK-Pro. If you start this simulator, you will see another window open which simulates the LCD of a MPS2 board. The system viewer window shows you some peripherals like UARTs.

    If you have a full license for VFPs, you can write models for additional peripherals. uVision can also connect to a stand-alone running VFP simulator if the CADI interface is enabled. Please see:

    2)  You can also select the “Simulator” target. This uses the Keil simulation. This simulator supports the Cortex-M3 core and some basic peripherals like interrupt controller, system timer, the MPU, but no UART or IO port.

    You can extend the Cortex-M3 Keil simulation via AGSI interface (see

    Are you working with a DesignStart project?

    Please let us know if you have further questions.


  • Hi ViniciusG,

    there are different ways to simulate a Cortex-M3 with peripherals in Keil uVision.

    First of all, I would recommend you to look at this example:

    - start the MDK Pack Installer and select the device "CMSDK_CM3" on the left pane (Tab: Devices) by opening ARM -> ARM Cortex M3. On the right pane (Tab: Packs),  install "Keil::V2M-MPS2_CMx_BSP" version .1.7.0.
    - on the right pane, then select the "Examples" tab and copy and start the example: "Blinky - CMSDK_CM3  (V2M-MPS2)"
    - This project contains 3 targets. The targets 'Fast Models' and 'Simulator' are probably the two interesting ones for you

    1) You can use the Fixed Virtual Platform (VFP) simulator in uVision (example target 'Fast Models') (see You need a MDK-Pro license to work with the predefined VFPs which are shipped with MDK-Pro. If you start this simulator, you will see another window open which simulates the LCD of a MPS2 board. The system viewer window shows you some peripherals like UARTs.

    If you have a full license for VFPs, you can write models for additional peripherals. uVision can also connect to a stand-alone running VFP simulator if the CADI interface is enabled. Please see:

    2)  You can also select the “Simulator” target. This uses the Keil simulation. This simulator supports the Cortex-M3 core and some basic peripherals like interrupt controller, system timer, the MPU, but no UART or IO port.

    You can extend the Cortex-M3 Keil simulation via AGSI interface (see

    Are you working with a DesignStart project?

    Please let us know if you have further questions.

