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uVision Target Simulation of Custom chip


I am aiming to develop a custom system based on ARM Cortex-M3 core. This chip will contain some CMSDK default peripherals, but also custom peripherals not present in CMSDK.

How can I simulate the behavior of these peripherals when debugging with Keil uVision since I have no physical target hardware yet?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Simon,

    Can you describe what is failing when you try to download the eval version?

    I used to get an error page when clicking on "Evaluate for Windows", but now it started to work somehow. I am downloading it now. Thank you!

    I am just wondering about the licenses. It's not clear enough for me yet if just the MDK-Pro license is sufficient for writing new components and simulate them with Keil uVision...

  • Hi Simon,

    Can you describe what is failing when you try to download the eval version?

    I used to get an error page when clicking on "Evaluate for Windows", but now it started to work somehow. I am downloading it now. Thank you!

    I am just wondering about the licenses. It's not clear enough for me yet if just the MDK-Pro license is sufficient for writing new components and simulate them with Keil uVision...
