I am using Linux on the target machine and I am not able to connect to the mgddaemon from Windows system.
Setup Done on arm64 target:
1. copied interceptor lib on the target device in /usr/lib64/
2. copied mgddaemon on target device in /usr/bin/
3. execute permission added to mgddaemon.
I can see mgddaemon running on the target but when I am trying to connect GUI to daemon I am getting following error.
"Connection refused: connect
Cannot connect to
Either the network connection to your target device is not working or mgddaemon is not running on the target."
I recently moved from Android to linux and on Android I used to do adb forward tcp:5002 tcp:5002 before we connect from GUI.
Do I need to do something similar from the linux system to get the connection to target?
Not as an integrated part of the tool, no. Note that even on Android this functionality is not part of MGD itself - as far as MGD is concerned it's talking to a network socket, even on Android. The Android Debug Bridge (adb) application and host-side service from Google provides port forwarding services to tunnel network sockets off the device, but this is entirely transparent to the MGD application.
FWIW we've had some luck using USB-to-Ethernet dongles for Linux dev boards which don't have native ethernet hardware, but which have full-fat USB ports available.
HTH, Pete