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Is it possible to benefit from DMA in r6p0 using DRM + GPU?


I own an odroid XU3 wich runs currently with the newest mali driver (r6p0) on ubuntu 15.01 without X.

I spend the last days in trying to pass the drm buffer using gbm into the mali gpu, until now with no success.

Problem is, that I'm not able to set up a renderable surface, I tried several extensions (MESA_GBM for example) but they all fail.

Can you pls. provide me with the information if its possible or not?

If it should be possible - are there any resources / samples where to look or the key?



  • Apologies if I'm not helping the actual problem, but some friendly advice -- rather than simply hammering the API with attributes it might not support and getting strange results, you could literally check to see if they're supported -- using eglQueryString(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_EXTENSIONS) or eglQueryString(display, EGL_EXTENSIONS) -- and looking at that returned string for the appropriate extension strings that would describe the features you want.

    If the EGL or OpenGLES libraries don't support the extensions you want, you get really unhelpful errors from EGL (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER is one of them, but it never gives a hint as to which parameter if you pass an array!). It is always better to check to see if they exist before using them and wondering why nothing works.

  • Apologies if I'm not helping the actual problem, but some friendly advice -- rather than simply hammering the API with attributes it might not support and getting strange results, you could literally check to see if they're supported -- using eglQueryString(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_EXTENSIONS) or eglQueryString(display, EGL_EXTENSIONS) -- and looking at that returned string for the appropriate extension strings that would describe the features you want.

    If the EGL or OpenGLES libraries don't support the extensions you want, you get really unhelpful errors from EGL (EGL_BAD_PARAMETER is one of them, but it never gives a hint as to which parameter if you pass an array!). It is always better to check to see if they exist before using them and wondering why nothing works.
