On the G71 (Samsung Galaxy 8) and G72 (Samsung Galaxy 9) we are having issues using the EGL_EXT_protected_content and GL_EXT_protected_textures extensions in our pipeline.
It seems that repeated destruction and creation of a secure context results in corrupted textures (ghosting, flashing screens, blocky artifacts across the screen). At first we thought it was a synchronisation issue, but adding in fences at appropriate points unfortunately didn't do anything. glFinish() calls seemed to improve the situation a little, but it just took slightly longer to see the problem happening again.
This is also happening when we use either textures or hardware buffers. The G71 exhibits the behaviour within the first 2-3 context recreations, and the G72 takes slightly longer.
We've modified one of the NDK samples that renders to a texture for a test case and are happy to send over the APK if anyone wants to have a better look at what's happening.
Hi Ray,
Thank you for reporting this. Could you please share the driver version?
Hi Roberto,
Of course, please let me know if there is anything else you need.
For the Samsung Galaxy S9 (G72):
Android Version: 10
GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r19p0-01rel0.###other-sha0123456789ABCDEF0###
For the Samsung Galaxy S8 (G71):
Android Version: 9
GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r16p0-01rel0.###other-sha0123456789ABCDEF0###
Thanks Ray, I have passed the info to the support team. Will come back to you here as soon as I get a reply from them.
Support is aware of this problem and in principle it was fixed in the R21 release of the driver. Could you please try to update your system and see if the problem is solved? It would be great to know the driver version after the update.
Many thanks,
Unfortunately the latest Samsung update (1 November 2021) for the S9 still has the driver at R19, so I still get the issue. But thank you so much for your swift response and letting me know!
Thanks for the info Ray! I hopped the update would provide a more recent version of the driver.
Hi again,
I just wanted to ask if there was a non-driver workaround for this issue?
We have a number of Bifrost devices with their most recent vendor-supplied update not providing the R21 version of the driver, and so we see this issue a fair amount.
Hi Ray:
Sorry it took a couple of days to come back to you. I have been in contact with several engineers in the driver team looking for any potential workaround to the reported issue. Unfortunately, we can’t provide such a workaround. I would suggest to contact the OEM, in this case Samsung, for any update of the driver.
Thank you for reporting the issue.