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If early-z is disabled, FPK is also disabled?

In Mali GPU, FPK will also be disabled, if early-z is disabled?

  • Hi Mark, 

    Hidden surface removal requires guarantees that the occluder is opaque before fragment shading occurs. Opacity meaning both not using the destination color (not using blending, framebuffer fetch), and with a known sample coverage (either ZS test disabled, so always passes, or a resolved ZS test, so no discards, no alpha-to-coverage). 


  • Hi Mark, 

    Hidden surface removal requires guarantees that the occluder is opaque before fragment shading occurs. Opacity meaning both not using the destination color (not using blending, framebuffer fetch), and with a known sample coverage (either ZS test disabled, so always passes, or a resolved ZS test, so no discards, no alpha-to-coverage). 

