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How can I compile Mali-T764 DRIVERS on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 on RK3288 device ?


I'm establishing a startup company and decided to use ARM devices as thin clients for my company's VDI solution. I have recently bought an RK3288-based device which uses a MALI-764 GPU. The device has Ubuntu 14.04 installed, but it is missing the 3D Hardware Acceleration functionality due to missing MALI 764 drivers.

However, I found the drivers available on Developer.

My question is: How can I compile these drivers to gain full 3D hardware acceleration on my linux-based device?

  • Hi,

    Just to keep you updated.

    We plan to release binary userspace drivers for the Firefly board within the next month for both fbdev and X11. These will appear on our malideveloper website in the same location as the current Exynos based drivers live.

    Regarding the response from RockChip about not being able to release binaries... this is incorrect and we have contacted RockChip to clarify the terms of contract. They are fully aware and apologise for the miscommunication earlier.

    In fact, RockChip plan to release their own drivers for the public for Linux within the next few months, however it will be targeting the TopMetal platform rather than Firefly.

    I imagine it wont be too much effort for the community to make those drivers work for Firefly however.

    I hope this helps regarding public driver support. If anyone has any further queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Kind Regards,

    Michael McGeagh

  • Hi,

    Just to keep you updated.

    We plan to release binary userspace drivers for the Firefly board within the next month for both fbdev and X11. These will appear on our malideveloper website in the same location as the current Exynos based drivers live.

    Regarding the response from RockChip about not being able to release binaries... this is incorrect and we have contacted RockChip to clarify the terms of contract. They are fully aware and apologise for the miscommunication earlier.

    In fact, RockChip plan to release their own drivers for the public for Linux within the next few months, however it will be targeting the TopMetal platform rather than Firefly.

    I imagine it wont be too much effort for the community to make those drivers work for Firefly however.

    I hope this helps regarding public driver support. If anyone has any further queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Kind Regards,

    Michael McGeagh
