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'gator driver' Complie error when enabling the GPU profiling option

Note: This was originally posted on 18th September 2012 at

Hi. developers.
Thank you in advance for your attention.

I am trying to profile the android device using ARM Streamline Performance Analyzer.
The target device is Odroid-A4 which is already tested by ARM Streamline team members (I see the YouTube video clips).
According to the ARM Streamline Menual, I compiled both gator daemon (gatord) and module driver (gator.ko)without errors and they works well.

However, I am in trouble when enabling the GPU profiling option.
According to the menual, the following two lines should be added into the gator driver make file.


So I modified the make file like that since the mali driver source code is located in that path.


However, the complie error occurs since 'mali_linux_trace.h' file can't be found in path. 

make: Entering directory `/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/kernel'
  CHK     gator_events.h
  CC [M]  /home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_main.o
In file included from /home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_main.c:151:
/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_trace_gpu.c:17: fatal error: linux/mali_linux_trace.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_main.o] Error 1
make: *** [_module_/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/kernel'

But as I mention before, the 'mali_linux_trace.h' file existsin KCFLAGS path.

again4you@again4you-x86:~/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver$ ls ../../../mail400_driver/driver/src/devicedrv/mali/linux/mali_linux_trace.h

Should I recompile the mali gpu drivers?
Or are there any solutions to solve this problems??

Thank you for paying attentions.
Sangjung Woo.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 18th September 2012 at

    So I modified the make file like that since the mali driver source code is located in that path.


    Hello Sangjung Woo,
    The make command for gator-driver is changing the 'current directory' to the kernel directory with the -C option.
    This means that the include path you are setting may be not valid in that context.

    Could you try to set KCFLAGS with an absolute path?
    It's likely going to be '~/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/mail400_driver/driver/src/devicedrv/mali', please check it.

    Best regards,
  • Note: This was originally posted on 18th September 2012 at

    So I modified the make file like that since the mali driver source code is located in that path.


    Hello Sangjung Woo,
    The make command for gator-driver is changing the 'current directory' to the kernel directory with the -C option.
    This means that the include path you are setting may be not valid in that context.

    Could you try to set KCFLAGS with an absolute path?
    It's likely going to be '~/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/mail400_driver/driver/src/devicedrv/mali', please check it.

    Best regards,
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