I have a licensed version of DS5. I am currently working on debugging a linux application on the De1-SoC board (Cortex A9). Although I am following the tutorial video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcGQEjkYWOc ) but still when I press the debug button in the debug configuration window after filling all the required information: It says,
" Unable to connect to Linux.
Falied target configuration:
gdbserver excited unexpectedly, see the App Console for further information"
In the app console window; following appears;
Preparing the debug session
# cd "/home/root"# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"# gdbserver :5001 "./Linux_test_program" gdbserver: command not found#
It should be mentioned that I have an active remote connection via ssh to the board. The board has a running linux image with gdb server installed. Does anybody know where is the problem?
Thanks for the reply, Yeah the gdb server was not correctly installed somehow. After reinstallation and update, it works fine now.