I have a licensed version of DS5. I am currently working on debugging a linux application on the De1-SoC board (Cortex A9). Although I am following the tutorial video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcGQEjkYWOc ) but still when I press the debug button in the debug configuration window after filling all the required information: It says,
" Unable to connect to Linux.
Falied target configuration:
gdbserver excited unexpectedly, see the App Console for further information"
In the app console window; following appears;
Preparing the debug session
# cd "/home/root"# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"# gdbserver :5001 "./Linux_test_program" gdbserver: command not found#
It should be mentioned that I have an active remote connection via ssh to the board. The board has a running linux image with gdb server installed. Does anybody know where is the problem?
The gdbserver command is being run on the target - if you are sure that gdbserver is present on the target, then it is likely a pathing issue.You could run that command directly on the target (right click the Remote Connection and open a target terminal there), and then use a "connect to already running gdbserver" connection in the debugger.
Thanks for the reply, Yeah the gdb server was not correctly installed somehow. After reinstallation and update, it works fine now.