The arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe binary in version 12.3.rel1 is a debug build.

Hi all,

The arm-none-eabi-gdb binary in the windows 12.3.rel1 release is built with a debug configuration.  The binary file is 263MB (contains symbols) whereas previous versions were around 6MB.  I'm hoping ARM will see this and fix it for the next release :)



  • Hi,

    Our arm-none-eabi toolchain releases of GCC 11 and later come from a different infrastructure, where the binaries were not stripped, and we have kept it that way with the view that the symbols will provide useful debug information if there are errors. 

    It is not clear to us yet how many users would prefer leaving the symbols in there Vs how many users would prefer removing the symbols. Is the larger file size causing issues in your case?

    We would listen to more feedback and information from our users, to help us decide whether we should remove the symbols from the binaries. 

    Kind regards


  • Hi,

    Our arm-none-eabi toolchain releases of GCC 11 and later come from a different infrastructure, where the binaries were not stripped, and we have kept it that way with the view that the symbols will provide useful debug information if there are errors. 

    It is not clear to us yet how many users would prefer leaving the symbols in there Vs how many users would prefer removing the symbols. Is the larger file size causing issues in your case?

    We would listen to more feedback and information from our users, to help us decide whether we should remove the symbols from the binaries. 

    Kind regards

