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The latest arm-none-eabi-gdb version 12.3.Rel1 takes 20+ seconds reading symbols from elf file

Hi All,

I have recently updated the arm toolchain from version 10-2020-q4-major to 12.3.rel1. The arm-none-eabi-gdb included with version 12.3.rel1 is taking about 20 seconds to read symbols from elf file.

Is this a known issue? Can the user update some settings during the GDB client setup to avoid this delay?

537,434 &"monitor SWO EnableTarget 0 0 0x1 0\n"

537,480 @"SWO enabled successfully.\r\n"

537,480 38^done

537,480 (gdb)

537,480 41-list-thread-groups i1

537,480 &"symbol-file C:\\\\Users\\\\abc\\\\workspace12\\\\blinky\\\\Debug\\\\blinky.elf\n\


537,481 ~"Reading symbols from C:\\Users\\abc\\workspace12\\blinky\\Debug\\blinky.elf...\n\


559,766 39^done

559,766 (gdb)

559,766 &"load C:\\\\Users\\\\abc\\\\workspace12\\\\blinky\\\\Debug\\\\blinky.elf\n"

559,767 ~"Loading section .text, size 0xc88 lma 0x100000\n"

559,768 40+download,{section=".text",section-size="3208",total-size="757449"}

559,768 40+download,{section=".text",section-sent="3208",section-size="3208",total-sent="3208",total\


