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请问,发生Synchronous External Abort可能是什么原因导致?

我在使用 Cortex-R过程中,在进行FLASH操作时发生data abort,状态码指示Synchronous External Abort。想请问这个是的错误源通常是什么?

  • Data abort相关的Synchronous External Abort,

    Cortex-R5手册上Table 4-28 Fault Status Register encodings,Synchronous External Abort的FSR [10,3:0] = 0b01000
    ,或许你可以查看c5, Data Fault Status Register来判断是否存取数据的时候AXI总线出错了。

    Table 4-29 DFSR bit assignments

    [12]  SD  Distinguishes between an AXI Decode or Slave error on an external abort. This bit is only valid for external

                  aborts. For all other aborts types of abort, this bit is set to zero:

                 0 = AXI Decode error (DECERR), or AHB error, caused the abort

                 1 = AXI Slave error (SLVERR), or unsupported exclusive access, for example exclusive access using the AHB

                       peripheral port, caused the abort.

    [10]  S     Part of the Status field.

    [3:0] Status   Indicates the type of fault generated. To determine the data fault, you must use bit [12] and bit [10] in

    conjunction with bits [3:0].

  • Data abort相关的Synchronous External Abort,

    Cortex-R5手册上Table 4-28 Fault Status Register encodings,Synchronous External Abort的FSR [10,3:0] = 0b01000
    ,或许你可以查看c5, Data Fault Status Register来判断是否存取数据的时候AXI总线出错了。

    Table 4-29 DFSR bit assignments

    [12]  SD  Distinguishes between an AXI Decode or Slave error on an external abort. This bit is only valid for external

                  aborts. For all other aborts types of abort, this bit is set to zero:

                 0 = AXI Decode error (DECERR), or AHB error, caused the abort

                 1 = AXI Slave error (SLVERR), or unsupported exclusive access, for example exclusive access using the AHB

                       peripheral port, caused the abort.

    [10]  S     Part of the Status field.

    [3:0] Status   Indicates the type of fault generated. To determine the data fault, you must use bit [12] and bit [10] in

    conjunction with bits [3:0].
