我在使用 Cortex-R过程中,在进行FLASH操作时发生data abort,状态码指示Synchronous External Abort。想请问这个是的错误源通常是什么?
Table 4-30 ADFSR and AIFSR bit functions
Bits Field Function
[31:28] Reserved SBZ.
[27:24] CacheWaya The value returned in this field indicates the cache way or ways in which the error occurred.
[23:22] Side The value returned in this field indicates the source of the error. Possible values are:
b00 = Cache or AXI-master interface
b01 = ATCM
b10 = BTCM
b11 = Reserved.
[21] Recoverable error
The value returned in this field indicates if the error is recoverable.
0 = Unrecoverable error.
1 = Recoverable error. This includes all correctable parity/ECC errors and recoverable TCM external errors.
[20:14] Reserved SBZ.
[13:5] Indexb
This field returns the index value for the access giving the error.
[4:0] Reserved SBZ.