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Asynchrous External Data Abort in ARMv7

hi, experts:

以Cortex-A7 CPU为例:

如果在程序执行过程中:发生了一个Asynchrous External Data Abort,它会很快进入Data Abort handler吗?

(Synchrous Data Abort会立即进入Data Abort handler.)

不清楚Asynchrous external data abort,什么时候才会进入Data abort handler!

best wishes,

  • 是的,应该很快的,类似中断,ARMv7手册上的描述如下:

    A Data Abort exception can be generated by:

    •         A synchronous abort on a data read or write memory access. Exception entry is synchronous to the

    instruction that generated the memory access.

    •         An asynchronous abort. The memory access that caused the abort can be any of:

    —      a data read or write access

    —      an instruction fetch or prefetch

    —      in a VMSA memory system, a translation table access.

            Exception entry occurs asynchronously. It is similar to an interrupt, but uses either Abort mode or

    Monitor mode, and the associated banked registers. Setting the CPSR.A bit prevents asynchronous

    aborts from occurring.

            There are no asynchronous internal aborts in ARMv7 and earlier architecture versions, so

    asynchronous aborts are always asynchronous external aborts.

  • 是的,应该很快的,类似中断,ARMv7手册上的描述如下:

    A Data Abort exception can be generated by:

    •         A synchronous abort on a data read or write memory access. Exception entry is synchronous to the

    instruction that generated the memory access.

    •         An asynchronous abort. The memory access that caused the abort can be any of:

    —      a data read or write access

    —      an instruction fetch or prefetch

    —      in a VMSA memory system, a translation table access.

            Exception entry occurs asynchronously. It is similar to an interrupt, but uses either Abort mode or

    Monitor mode, and the associated banked registers. Setting the CPSR.A bit prevents asynchronous

    aborts from occurring.

            There are no asynchronous internal aborts in ARMv7 and earlier architecture versions, so

    asynchronous aborts are always asynchronous external aborts.

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