I'm working on a real-time treatment using a correlation on ARM Cortex-M4 (kinetis k60), so the duration of the treatment is important for me.
So I tried several size of input parameters and different functions to be as fast as possible.
But there is something I don't understand:
I tried arm_correlate_fast_q31 and arm_correlate_q31.
According to the documentation, the 'fast' function should be faster but less accurate ?
I measured the times and it seems the basic correlation is faster than the fast.
Example in my case:
arm_correlate_fast_q31(din0, 1024, din1, 1024, dout) > 367 ms
arm_correlate_q31(din0, 1024, din1, 1024, dout) > 272 ms
I use the last version of CMSIS (V1.4.5 b) and GCC.
Are there something I did wrong or that I misunderstood ?
Thank you,
Thank you for your responses.
It's a minimalist software (FreeRTOS + one high priority task performing the calculation).
(I also tried to disable interrupts before enter in the function, same result).
And about my method to measure, GPIO and oscilloscope.