I am trying to program a target CPU (R4) on my FPGA platform and I keep getting the following error:
[ME@MACHINE bin]$ debugger --cdb-root /home/ME/ConfigDb --cdb-entry="COMPANY::BOARD::Bare Metal Debug::Bare Metal Debug::Cortex-R4_0::DSTREAM" --cdb-entry-param "Connection=USB:005012" --image="/home/me/r4_0.axf"
WARNING(TAD16): Failed to disconnect from Cortex-R4
! Unable to connect to device Cortex-R4_0
! Cannot attain state requested.
When I browse for connections (--browse) I can see that the connection is there for the given cdb entry. As you can guess from the command above, , there are multiple R4s in this design and the result is the same when programming any one of them.
Issuing the same command again, I get the following error:
! Failed to connect to platform USB:005012
! Unable to connect to USB:005012
! Unable to connect to device APB_0
! No connection to target.
Then I have to re-download my bitstream to the FPGA board to get back to the original error.
Is there a list of the error codes and what they represent and how to go about fixing them?
Any help is appreciated,
Hi zeeshan and welcome tot he Connected Community!
I have moved your question to Software Development Tools where I think you will get an answer.