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I have a targeted build that is not allowing breakpoints

I have a targeted build that is not allowing breakpoints, but instead provides a white circle with a "?" overlaying it.  Selected breakpoint is useless.  right clicking on the "?" provides no answers.

  • "image.axf" is a placeholder for the real name of your executable ELF image.  I can't tell from your screenshots what the name of your executable is, but it might have IMX93 in its name?  You should be able to see its name in the Project Explorer view, or in the IMX93_FlexSPI_emw launch Debug Configuration.

    To access the Debug Configurations, use Run > Debug Configurations.  Expand Generic Arm C/C++ Application, then select your Debug Configuration.  Look in the Files tab for the executable ELF image name.

    To ensure that your project is compiled with debug enabled (-g), Right-Mouse-Click on your project, then select Properties.  Expand C/C++ Build > Settings.  In the Tool Settings tab, select All Tools Settinngs > Debugging.  Ensure "Standard (-g)" is selected:


  • "image.axf" is a placeholder for the real name of your executable ELF image.  I can't tell from your screenshots what the name of your executable is, but it might have IMX93 in its name?  You should be able to see its name in the Project Explorer view, or in the IMX93_FlexSPI_emw launch Debug Configuration.

    To access the Debug Configurations, use Run > Debug Configurations.  Expand Generic Arm C/C++ Application, then select your Debug Configuration.  Look in the Files tab for the executable ELF image name.

    To ensure that your project is compiled with debug enabled (-g), Right-Mouse-Click on your project, then select Properties.  Expand C/C++ Build > Settings.  In the Tool Settings tab, select All Tools Settinngs > Debugging.  Ensure "Standard (-g)" is selected:


  • This is the response back after entering the first line:


    F:\try_env\src\tests\D_IP_FLEXSPI_SYN>add-symbol-file ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19.axf EL1N:0

    'add-symbol-file' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.

  • Hi

    The "add-symbol-file" command can be entered in the Command field of the Commands view:

    The "add-symbol-file" command can also be invoked automatically on connection.  This is done from the Debugger tab in the Debug Configuration dialog.  For an example of this, please see the ready-made example "startup_Cortex-A55_Cortex-A76", and its debug configuration "startup_Cortex-A55x1.launch". 
    You can import examples as follows:
    1. Select File > Import... to open the Import Selection dialog.
    2. Expand the Arm Development Studio group and select Examples and Programming Libraries.
    3. Click Next to open the Import Development Studio Examples and Programming Libraries dialog.
    4. Either expand the Examples group to view the example categories, or enter the example name in the filter.
    5. Click Finish to import the selected examples into your workspace.


  • This was the response when I entered it from the command line:

    Execution stopped in EL3h mode at EL3:0x00000000204A63C4
    EL3:0x00000000204A63C4 118,17 flexspi_mcr0 = &REG32(FLEXSPI_OTFAD1_IPS_BASE_ADDR);
    add-symbol-file ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19 EL1N:0
    ! Failed to load symbols for "ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19"
    ! Image "C:\Users\nxf71684\Development Studio Workspace\ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19" does not exist
    add-symbol-file ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19 EL1N:0
    ! Failed to load symbols for "ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19"
    ! Image "C:\Users\nxf71684\Development Studio Workspace\ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19" does not exist
    add-symbol-file ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19 EL1S:0
    ! Failed to load symbols for "ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19"
    ! Image "C:\Users\nxf71684\Development Studio Workspace\ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19" does not exist

  • The error message is that you are attempting to load symbols from an image that does not exist.

    add-symbol-file ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19 EL1N:0
    ! Failed to load symbols for "ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19"
    ! Image "C:\Users\nxf71684\Development Studio Workspace\ap_d_ip_FlexSPI_emw_2023_07_19" does not exist

    You can specify the file from the GUI. When connected to the target, select Load.. from the Debug Connections pane menu:

    Then select Add Symbol File, browse your File System for the image, and enter EL1N:0 as the Load offset.

    The command to replicate this will also be echoed in the command and history panes.