ARM-DS5 License issue.
I had updated the license according to the "ug_soc_eds.pdf". But a Flexnet license error is thrown.
Could you please guide in solving the issue.
As you said, If we use the machine directly,,(without remote desktop login), the software is working fine without the license error.
Thanks for your valuable suggestion.
I have a new query..,
As it is common machine, it is difficult to use that machine directly, So we had planned to shift the generated license to another machine. Whether we can shift the license installed in one PC to another.
you would need to rehost your license to change the hostid. You can rehost your license at this link: https://silver.arm.com
From there you can do “Software Licenses” -> “Licensing” -> “Rehost”.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,Stefano