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how to continue after breakpoint

sorry for response  after a long time,

as per above steps you mentioned

Yes, when you do single step, you should write

DHSCR = 0xA05F0001UL | 0x4 ; // C_STEP

Then wait until S_RETIRE_ST is 1.

And then set

DHSCR = 0xA05F0001UL; // unhalt

Hope this helps.


i performed

when core halt after break point hit

i tried single step the target as below

Target_write(DHCSR, 0xA05F0101);

while(!(target_read(DHCSR) & S_RETIRE_ST));

but the target is always present inside while loop!!!

i tested the above logic before i put the break point and i successfully executed the Single Step

but after breakpoint hitting if i trying to step, it will not come out from while loop.

Should i have to perform any thing before i single step??? i.e., Should i have to wrtie any thing in DFSR????

Thanks and Regards,


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