Hello everyone!
I have been in the process of learning how to debug an application on Arm DS, and after searching through many tutorials and folders, I finally found find an example that I am looking for, which is called calendar_ArmV8-A_GCC. This example can be obtained after installing the ARM-DS using the source code (full filepath is: $HOME/DS000-BN-00001-r21p2-00rel0/yes/examples/armv8)
So this example is exactly what I'm looking for as I wish to create a simple C program (such as calendar as provided) and perform input testing to debug through the application (to ensure ARM instructions are working properly).
However, as I am trying to use a different compiler to test (more specifically, gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu from https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-a/downloads), I came across missing files when I try to compile a program using a default Makefile provided with the example.
From the console, it looks like the following error:
Where a file called aem-ve.specs is missing.
From looking through the Makefile:
# Link with specific base address to suit Base FVP model memory layout $(LD) --specs=aem-ve.specs -Wl,--build-id=none,-Map=linkmap.txt $^ -o $@
It looks like linkmap.txt is also missing.
Lastly, why are both CC/LD the same? Does this matter?
I figured LD would be like aarch64-none-linux-gnu-ld for example.
Furthermore, if anyone has a good site that shows how to debug a GCC application from the very start (compilation process, linking, etc), that would be greatly appreciated as well.
Thank you for any input, very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Edit: I will just close the thread with this post since it answers my original question which was regarding the missing file. I apologize for the confusion.
I found an answer to my own question. Basically, I was using the wrong GCC toolchain.
After downloading an ELF bare-metal target, I was able to find the file I believe:
whereas for aarch64-none-linux-gnu, I cannot find such a file: