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Breakpoints not working in C code, only in assembly?

I am running some example program in ARM Development Studio using FVP (fixed virtual platforms) simulator for A53. 

All is OK, I can run the app.

However, the problem is the breakpoints: they don't work in C code, the work only in .S files assembly. 

What could be the problem? 

Model parameters are -C bp.secure_memory=false -C cache_state_modelled=0. 

  • Hello

    I have a very similar problem with ARM DS 2021.2.

    I am running the Cortex R52 startup example code (startup_Cortex-R52.axf) on a virtual platform using FVP and ARM Fast Models.

    When a breakpoint is put in the C code (main.c or sort.c), the code never stops on them.

    When a breakpoint has been put in the file startup.s, there is no problem.

    I have read this thread and understood that this problem could be related to the exception level at which the code is executed.

    So, according to Ronan's reply, I added the following command into the default debug configuration for R52:

    add-symbol-file "${workspace_loc:/startup_Cortex-R52/startup_Cortex-R52.axf}" EL1N:0

    But it does not work, unfortunately.

    So my question is : what is the exception level in R52 at which the main.c is executed ?Maybe the configuration for A53 and R52 is not the same in this case ?

    or is there any other trick to perform in ARM DS ?

    Best Regards


  • Hello

    I have a very similar problem with ARM DS 2021.2.

    I am running the Cortex R52 startup example code (startup_Cortex-R52.axf) on a virtual platform using FVP and ARM Fast Models.

    When a breakpoint is put in the C code (main.c or sort.c), the code never stops on them.

    When a breakpoint has been put in the file startup.s, there is no problem.

    I have read this thread and understood that this problem could be related to the exception level at which the code is executed.

    So, according to Ronan's reply, I added the following command into the default debug configuration for R52:

    add-symbol-file "${workspace_loc:/startup_Cortex-R52/startup_Cortex-R52.axf}" EL1N:0

    But it does not work, unfortunately.

    So my question is : what is the exception level in R52 at which the main.c is executed ?Maybe the configuration for A53 and R52 is not the same in this case ?

    or is there any other trick to perform in ARM DS ?

    Best Regards

