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Does anyone know how I can remotely update code to distant arm system?

I have problem, I have to find a way to update code to my arm device without removing it, for that purpose I'll use serial communication. Does anyone have idea how to do it?

  • Jacob Beningo it was very useful reading your document, It was written in simple word, but you explained procedure how to do update.
    But I have now more questions ( the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know )
       1. What happens if during execution of boot-loader application power off? Then I lose that chip? Because of that I had idea to have to programs old one and new one in memory, and if happens during writing new one power off, I can continue execution of old one, and then write new one in another memory location.
    2. You sad couple of times boot-loader image and application image did You mean hex file or similar?
    3. And finally how to update linker ?   

  • Jacob Beningo it was very useful reading your document, It was written in simple word, but you explained procedure how to do update.
    But I have now more questions ( the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know )
       1. What happens if during execution of boot-loader application power off? Then I lose that chip? Because of that I had idea to have to programs old one and new one in memory, and if happens during writing new one power off, I can continue execution of old one, and then write new one in another memory location.
    2. You sad couple of times boot-loader image and application image did You mean hex file or similar?
    3. And finally how to update linker ?   
