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Does anyone know how I can remotely update code to distant arm system?

I have problem, I have to find a way to update code to my arm device without removing it, for that purpose I'll use serial communication. Does anyone have idea how to do it?

  • Thank You jensbauer. Is more clear to me now theoretically, that two application image is exactly what I wanted to do, but I'm new at controller programming and this is too abstractedly to me, does anybody has example code related with this topic?

    I think that ARM should provide example code with updating, because is common and not unusual thing, and about that topic is so little information online. That is my suggestion.

  • Thank You jensbauer. Is more clear to me now theoretically, that two application image is exactly what I wanted to do, but I'm new at controller programming and this is too abstractedly to me, does anybody has example code related with this topic?

    I think that ARM should provide example code with updating, because is common and not unusual thing, and about that topic is so little information online. That is my suggestion.
