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why do we need two priviledged modes? cant one do the thing in cortex m3

we have two modes which are privileged in ARM cortex M3 .they are Thread privileged  and handler mode .

if there is already one privileged mode then why we need the other mode? i mean cant we do work with only one privileged mode?

is there any difference between Thread Privileged and handler mode?(i know that cortex m3 executes ISR in handler mode what are the other differences)

are there things which thread privileged mode cannot access and handler mode can access?

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  • Note, srikar, that this is not a direct link to the document, you need to log-in first to gain access to ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual.

  • yasuhikokoumoto 

    sir i read that but i still dont get it clearly.

    what i only understood was when ever threadmode goes into unprivileged mode then it cannot revert back to privilege itself. it calls a svc to revert back.

    is this the reason for having two privileged modes.(i.e.,. when processor is in unpriv state and an interrupt occurs then it cannot have privilege access if there is no handler state)

    and pls see the below link also sir. there is another question of mine pls asnwer that too sir

    thanks for your support

    sir basically i am a slow learner it takes time for me to understood i think i havent understood the primary purpose of having two privilege modes so pls put it precisely and straight forward.

    pre emption of the interrupts in the cortex m3 arm v7

  • Hi srikar ,

    Well, let we think about it from another aspect.
    Cortex-M3 and M4 would be used in the higher embedded areas, and they would use sometimes RTOS. If an OS is used, there are two execution modes such as the user and the system (or supervisor) would be defined for resource protection.
    I quess ARM assume the following configurations for Cortex-M3 and M4 execution modes.
    - User = Thread = Unpriviledged = SP_process
    - System = Handler = Priviledged = SP_main
    However, ARMv7-M architecture permits the other combinations for the flexibility.
    For exsample, Cortex-M0 has no Unpriviledged Thread mode and Cortex-M0+'s Unpriviledged Thread mode is an option, although they equip ARMv6-M Architecture. They are for lower end embedded areas, and usually any OS would not be used. Therefore, basically thay have only Priviledged modes.

    Best regards,

    Yasuhiko Koumoto.