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Are there any ARM processors with hardware H.264 encoder?


I'm looking for and ARM processor with an hardware H.264 encoder.

The production volume is 5000 boards a year.

The product will be ready in the Q1 of 2017 therefore I can evaluate also microprocessor in a preview status.

Thanks for any help,

Enrico Migliore

  • Though I'm a bit late, I'd like to add Amlogic; they make several Cortex-A based microprocessors, which have a H.264 encoder.

    The S905 might be the most interesting one at the moment, it's a 2GHz 64-bit quad-core Cortex-A53 and it supports GigaBit Ethernet, so it's one of the faster kids on the block.

  • Though I'm a bit late, I'd like to add Amlogic; they make several Cortex-A based microprocessors, which have a H.264 encoder.

    The S905 might be the most interesting one at the moment, it's a 2GHz 64-bit quad-core Cortex-A53 and it supports GigaBit Ethernet, so it's one of the faster kids on the block.
