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Can I build my own ARM board like the raspberry pi

Is it possible and if so how can i build my own raspberry pi alike?

Can I use this AM4378 | AM437x | ARM Cortex-A9 | Description & parametrics ???

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  • Jerome Decamps wrote:

    Is this story is in your blog jens ?

    Hmm.. I don't think so, but it probably ought to be.

    Aside from that, I believe that it's very important for any board designer, who design with microcontrollers, to read the part about the load capacitance.

    Way too many newbies just assume that using 18pF or 22pF capacitors will do just fine. This works very well for their first projects, but one day, when they start designing serious applications and have ordered 100000 boards, they realize that they should have known how to calculate the capacitor values.

    -I too was one of those, who started by using 'general purpose' capacitor values; but doing so leads to one (or more) of the following:

    1. Inaccurate frequencies.
    2. Maybe even erratic frequencies and thus periodic errors in the behaviour of the board.
    3. Crashes and lock-ups of the system.

    -So it really pays to care about getting the values right.