Hi Everyone,
It is a simple design query for generating BP210 bus matrix using ARM Socrates.
For generating bus matrix BP210(which only supports AHB-Lite components), how to specify master to slave connection when a slave can have multiple shared address map across different masters.
Scenario is-
Let say s1 has the shared address mapping for both m3 and m4. How do we generate BP210 bus model with such an addressing scheme.
If I configure S1 with 2 address region, one for m3 and another m4 and try to generate bus matrix, I get error-
Error: Interface SI1 address region 'MI3: A0000000-AFFFFFFF' overlaps with another address region 'MI0: A0000000-AFFFFFFF'!Error: Interface SI1 address region 'MI4: A0000000-AFFFFFFF' overlaps with another address region 'MI0: A0000000-AFFFFFFF'!
Socrates GUI has no option for specifying multiple master for a single slave.
Please let me know how to configure such scenarios, I have many 7-8 slaves/ 5-6 masters which follow such overlapping address mapping scheme.
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