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Is there an atomic way to enable the MMU and continue at a given virtual address

Is there an atomic way to enable the MMU and continue at a given virtual address?

  • The recommendation is setting up a 1:1 VA/PA mapping, then enable the MMU and then jump somewhere
  • what also works is setting up a mapping with the current PA not mapped at a VA, then enable the MMU. Have an ISB next to ensure there is a fetch fault. Then the core enter at the VA of the exception vector table.

It would be nice if there was a CP15 operation that could atomically enable the MMU and continue at a given VA.

Can the Hypervisor or ATF be used for this for EL1 or EL2. So code running on PA executes a HVC/SMC and the lower exception level enabled the higher ELs MMU and returns to a give address?


Thanks, Axel

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