Recently, I tried to use clEnqueueCopyImage for OpenGL/ES interop with OpenCL. However, it just return -59(CL_INVALID_OPERATION) after calling clEnqueueCopyImage
How could i fix it ?
I have tried to write a simple kernel to access the Imported EGL images, however, it also return CL_INVALID_OPERATION after calling clEnqueueNDRange. So, I suspect that the Imported EGL images is not truly accessible although calling of clCreateFromEGLImageKHR return true
Before any development begins, the software partner must evaluate the needs of the business and determine the technical requirements. This is known as the product roadmap, which outlines the timetable, budget, and technical plan. Workshops are held to determine the software's design, which is then converted into interactive prototypes and wireframes. User research validates the design, and testing ensures the software meets expectations. Once the prototype is ready, the software developers will start writing code. These hours are accounted for when calculating the cost of custom software development