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OpenEuler is an open-source operating system. The current openEuler kernel is based on Linux and supports Kunpeng and other processors. It fully unleashes the potential of computing chips. As an efficient, stable, and secure open-source OS built by global open-source contributors, openEuler applies to database, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) scenarios. In addition, openEuler community is an open-source community for global OSs. Through community cooperation, openEuler builds an innovative platform, builds a unified and open OS that supports multiple processor architectures, and promotes the prosperity of the software and hardware application ecosystem.
In this article, we will take OpenEuler Enbedded as example,
The OpenEuler Kernel can be downloaded from the link kernel, we take OLK-6.6 which is based on LTS v6.6 as example for this usage. Firstly, we create the workspace directory as below:
mkdir workspace cd workspace/ mkdir kernel rootfs tool
cd workspace/kernel wget unzip cd ../tool/ wget tar -xvf arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
cd $workspace/kernel/kernel-OLK-6.6 export export CROSS_COMPILE=$workspace/tool/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu- export ARCH=arm64 make openeuler_defconfig make -j $nproc
The openEuler Embedded is a Linux version for embedded scenarios based on the openEuler community version. The embedded system applications are restricted by multiple factors, such as resources, power consumption, and compatibility. Therefore, the server-oriented Linux versions and the associated build systems can hardly satisfy the requirements of embedded scenarios. Yocto is widely used to customize and build embedded Linux. openEuler Embedded is also built using Yocto.