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Arm Development Studio Platinum 2021.a is required to debug RD_N2 FVP.
Select a RD platform. For this guide we are using RD-N2 release tag RD-INFRA-2021.05.27.
For this guide, we have installed the software stack to ~/rd-infra.
Download the software stack using the guide here.
Make sure model-scripts/sgi/ contains platforms_rdinfra[rdn2]=1
~/rd-infra$ grep "platforms_rdinfra\[rdn2\]" model-scripts/sgi/uefi.shplatforms_rdinfra[rdn2]=1
In `uefi/edk2/edk2-platforms/Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/Drivers/PlatformDxe/PlatformDxe.inf` under section `Protocols` add `gHestTableProtocolGuid`