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AHB fixed length burst termination in the middle of the burst


I'm trying to understand the behavior of AHB subordinate if a fixed length AHB burst terminates in the middle of the burst. By terminate, I mean that the AHB manager just starts to send IDLE instead of the next SEQ transfer without receiving an error response from the AHB subordinate. 

For example:

An INCR4 burst sends the first and second beats of the transfer:

Burst: INCR4


Instead of all four beats of the transfer:



Are AHB slaves designed to handle the above termination of the burst in the middle of a fixed length transfer? 

  • So yes, if your subordinate sees an HTRANS sequence of NONSEQ-SEQ-IDLE for an INCR4 burst, this would tell the subordinate that the burst has been early terminated, and it should perform whatever request it next receives and forget about the previous early terminated burst length "suggestion". 

  • So yes, if your subordinate sees an HTRANS sequence of NONSEQ-SEQ-IDLE for an INCR4 burst, this would tell the subordinate that the burst has been early terminated, and it should perform whatever request it next receives and forget about the previous early terminated burst length "suggestion". 

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