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AMBA AXI Write response

I am just going through the specs of AMBA AXI.
I've few questions.It will be great if anybody clarify
1) Why there was no Write response for each beat in burst Write. But there is a seperate Read response for each beat in a Read burst ?
2) How to terminate A read/write burst ? Specification says we can not stop bursts intermittantly.
         i) Can A master can give WLAST in middle of a burst transfer ?
         ii) in the same way if slave assersts RLAST before the completion of a busrt read?
If WLAST and RLAST can not do the above cases, then what is the special use of WLAST and RLAST because we are getting individual beat responses anyway?
3) Whats the exact use of Exclusive Read and Write Pair transaction? Where exactly these will be used?

Thanks in advance..
Sai Krishna
  • Note: This was originally posted on 30th January 2007 at

    Hello Sai,

    As this discussion has moved away from the original subject, and from AXI altogether, it might be better if you submitted the question as a new thread.

    That way people can search the threads more easily, and can answer if it is something they know about.

    I think I can answer your questions, but better done in an appropriately named thread.

  • Note: This was originally posted on 30th January 2007 at

    Hello Sai,

    As this discussion has moved away from the original subject, and from AXI altogether, it might be better if you submitted the question as a new thread.

    That way people can search the threads more easily, and can answer if it is something they know about.

    I think I can answer your questions, but better done in an appropriately named thread.

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